Minggu, 05 April 2015

Ini Dia, Deskripsi Resmi Karakter-Karakter Age of Ultron!


Benar-benar hanya tinggal menunggu waktu sampai Avengers: Age of Ultron rilis di layar lebar. Setelah berbagai teaser, preview, trailer, tak akan lama sampai kamu bisa melihat sendiri bagaimana aksi para Avengers menghadapi serbuan dari Ultron.

Tapi, apa kamu masih belum puas dengan materi-materi preview yang sudah beredar? Ingin tahu lebih banyak? Tenang saja, karena Inquirer baru saja merilis deskripsi masing-masing karakter di Age of Ultron. Seperti apa? Silakan lihat sendiri di bawah.
Pertama-tama kita mulai dari The Big Six, enam anggota Avengers yang muncul di film pertama. Tidak ada spoiler di sini, hanya penjelasan tentang masing-masing karakter. Untuk kamu yang sudah menonton lengkap film Marvel Cinematic Universe dari awal sampai terakhir, mengecualikan Guardian of the Galaxy yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan konflik ini, pasti kamu sudah tahu detil ini. Untuk kamu-kamu yang baru ingin menonton Avengers dari Age of Ultron, dan ingin mendapat gambaran karakter, ini akan sangat membantu. Hanya ada satu kejutan: ternyata Ultron diciptakan bersama oleh Bruce Banner dan Tony Stark, dua tokoh cerdas dan brilian yang memang sangat dekat di Avengers pertama.
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Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.). Brash but brilliant billionaire Tony Stark returns, still struggling with the emotional fallout from the Battle of New York that took place in “The Avengers.” Tony is now bankrolling his Super Hero dream-team in an ongoing effort to protect the world from the evil forces that he knows are out there. Stark carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, which leads him to team up with Bruce Banner to create Ultron as the ultimate peacekeeping program.
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Steve Rogers/Captain America (Chris Evans) has fully embraced the mantle of team leader, but with the unraveling of S.H.I.E.L.D. in “Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” he continues to reconcile with what he has lost in a world he does not totally recognize. Outmatched and on the run, he must find a way to rally The Avengers and find a way to defeat the terrifying Ultron.
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Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) returns to the fray as the deadly and beautiful super-spy turned hero. Her intelligence, resources and lethal fighting ability far outweigh her lack of “super” powers. With the threat of Ultron looming, Natasha will need to confront the demons of her shadowy past and draw strength from her teammates to defeat him.
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Thor (Chris Hemsworth) The Asgardian God of Thunder returns as Earth’s sworn protector. More brash and powerful than ever, Thor serves as the moral compass for the team and continues his personal quest to find the identity of his brother’s secret ally while also warning his teammates of threats that are bigger than any of them can imagine.
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Clint Barton/Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) A skilled and accurate archer, Hawkeye is one of the team’s most lethal operatives. After having his mind controlled by Loki in “The Avengers,” Hawkeye returns to the team in fully functional mode, complete with more advanced weaponry.
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Bruce Banner/The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) is back and ready to be unleashed as The Avengers’ not-so-secret weapon. He has embraced the Hulk and is now an important part of the team, although surprising protocols have been put in place to make sure Hulk doesn’t ever get out of hand in a conflict. Banner worked alongside Tony Stark to develop the Ultron program as a peacekeeping initiative.
Selanjutnya kita beralih ke tokoh lain di Age of Ultron, beberapa akan terlibat dalam peran antagonis.
Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) has the power of super-speed. He is fiercely protective of his twin sister Wanda and will do anything to defend his war-torn home of Sokovia. Along with his sister, he volunteered for a secret program and gained his speed through Baron Strucker’s experimentation with an unusual power source.
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Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) is the beautiful and mysterious twin sister of Pietro. Possessing the powers of mental manipulation and telekinesis, Wanda as Scarlet Witch is able to attack her enemies from the inside out. Along with her brother, she is the product of Baron Strucker’s experiment.
Ultron (James Spader) is a technological super villain the likes of which have never been seen. Unhinged and terrifying, Ultron is born out of a corrupted pilot program that Tony Stark and Bruce Banner created to help usher in peace on Earth. When their programming went haywire, Ultron came to life with the goal to save the planet by eliminating the biggest threat to it—humanity. He will stop at nothing to see this goal realized and promises to kill The Avengers for daring to try to stop him.
Baron Strucker (Thomas Kretschmann) is a brilliant HYDRA scientist who worked under the cover of S.H.I.E.L.D. for far too long. Human experimentation, advanced robotics and artificial intelligence are just a few of the things Strucker is working on when Wanda and Pietro Maximoff volunteer for his program.
Dan karakter-karakter yang akan berperan sebagai para pendukung Avengers di Age of Ultron. Setelah event di Captain America – Winter Soldier, kamu bisa tahu bagaimana peran Nick Fury bersama Avengers di Age of Ultron ini.
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Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), the man that first brought The Avengers together, is now disavowed and living in hiding after the events of “Captain America: The Winter Soldier.” Nevertheless, Fury continues to be an important mentor and leader for our team of heroes.
The Vision (Paul Bettany) is a powerful and mysterious android that is raw, dangerous and uncontrollable.
Ulysses Klaue (Andy Serkis) is a black-market arms dealer, smuggler and gangster operating out of South Africa. He is a former acquaintance of Tony Stark’s from his weapons-dealing days and a powerful new player in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Dr. Helen Cho (Claudia Kim) is a world-renowned geneticist and an ally of The Avengers. From her offices in Seoul, South Korea, to sharing workspace with Bruce Banner in his lab at Avengers Tower, Dr. Cho’s research and technology help keep The Avengers in the fight.
Yak, kira-kira itulah deskripsi masing-masing karakter yang akan tampil di Age of Ultron nanti. Menurut IMDB, film ini akan tampil di Indonesia tanggal 25 April 2015, mendahului tanggal resmi Amerika. Sudah siap untuk menyaksikan sepak terjang Avengers menghadapi Ultron?

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